19 October 2005


Day 3: Everest View Hotel (3900m). 3 Hours

Rest / acclimitization day. Slept in to a whopping 8am. Took a steep trail north of Namche to Syangboche which boasts the world's tallest "airstrip" (now only helicopters). Fantastic views of Thamsherko to the east and a fucking hot rising sun. Could see down the valley to Jorsalle and even the Lukla "airstrip".

Got up to the Everest View Hotel which charges a measly $180 for a room. Yikes. Great view of Ama Dablam shooting up from the valley floor and people with binoculars could see folks summiting. Everest was clouded over, but even that was a neat thing to see: this huge mountain shooting avoe the clouds. Overheard a guide briefing a group that was preparing to climb Ama, neat to hear real live people say "climb high, sleep low" and "from base camp to ABC to camp 1 to high camp to summit day". I want to go climbing. Spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the sun and views of Namche and tyring to find the elusive rectangular Namche Bazar sticker.

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